
Ffxv second sea god
Ffxv second sea god

ffxv second sea god

The combat will also be a love and hate affair, or perhaps love is a bit much. High technology meets magic real world mundanity meets fantastical beasts and deities - same as it ever was for Final Fantasy, at least in the post VI/VII world. Where else can you get the odd but strangely compelling mix of world design featuring a big spoonful of Americana (Duscae and its various regions), a slice of Havana (Lestallum), a miniaturized fantasy Venice (Altissia) before finally finishing in a much teased, but largely non-interactive Tokyo (Insomnia)? FFXV's adage is "a fantasy based on reality", and its pound for pound some of the most striking world design you will encounter in any digital medium. For those that don't get hung up on wasted potential (and FFXV has wasted potential by the metric ton), and can appreciate a game for what it is, rather than what it could've (or some would argue, should've) been, you will find a game that was salvaged from the ruins of an ambitious design pitch lasting an entire console generation ago, and made into something that's far better than it had any right to be.

ffxv second sea god

For those not expecting perfection in all aspects, you will find a flawed gem.

ffxv second sea god ffxv second sea god

Contributed to that is a vengeance-obsessed culture that sees prison rape as a legitimate form of punishment because "anyone in prison deserves it".It's not going to be for everybody, but those with an open mind will find a lot to enjoy here. Shit, I'm a black dude who 'sbeen the victim of hate-based violence and I still feel like those people Would Rather Not feel the way they do that has them doing their dirt.Ĭonsidering that the U.S prison system is mostly used as a source of cheap labor by corporations and for-profit prisons who rent out small time offenders like cattle, you're going to have one hell of an uphill battle to fix that. There are few (and in the grand scheme of 7+ billion humans, this still means millions) people who would prefer to be mega-sickos. Man, I'm no Smart Guy, but I'm of the opinion that the prison system should be repurposed so that anybody deemed fit for Fucking Prison is only there to experience treatment and analysis by teams of individuals trained in the field of psychology, to include the godamned legions of out-of-work psych post-grads.Ĭrime is a fucking pathology and a sickness.

Ffxv second sea god